This report is a professional and independent opinion based on generally accepted scientific tests performed at the time of examination. This report does not constitute a warranty, guarantee or valuation.

The geographic origin of a gemstone is a professional opinion given of the most probable origin based on the internal characteristics, physical and chemical properties, and reference stones of a known identity, and published gemological data. The geographic origin is not an expression of quality or value of the examined gemstone.

When the color authenticity is currently undeterminable on select stones including, but not limited to, beryl, demantoid garnet, quartz, spodumene (kunzite), topaz, tourmaline, zircon, zoisite (tanzanite), etc, in the comments there will be this description:
[Gemstone] is commonly heated and/or irradiated (to improve or change the color)
Color authenticity is currently undeterminable
Color authenticity has not been determined

Gemology Resources LLC may not mention all treatments applied to the gemstone. Any findings regarding the presence or absence of treatments are an expression of what was detectable at the time of examination. Examination of the same stone at a later date can lead to different results.

The content of this report is consistent with the current LMHC nomenclature incorporated by reference.

Gemology Resources LLC or its employees are not liable for any loss, damage or expense related to this report.

This report cannot be reproduced, except in full without written approval of Gemology Resources LLC.