Our gemologists
Melissa Scarani, GG (GIA), FGA, ASA
Melissa is a seasoned gemologist with over 20 years of experience in the retail market. Throughout her career, she has worked with top credentialed jewelers affiliated with the American Gem Society (AGS), gaining invaluable firsthand experience with renowned brands such as Rolex, Breitling, David Yurman, and David Webb, among others. Additionally, Melissa has spent over a decade working with fine antique jewelry, developing a deep understanding of various jewelry periods and brands including Tiffany, Mauboussin, Boucheron, Giuliano, Van Cleef & Arpels, Cartier, Buccellati, and more.
Melissa's unwavering passion for gems motivates her to seek new knowledge and expertise in the field continuously. In addition to being a GIA Graduate Gemologist, she has furthered her credentials by obtaining the FGA title from the Gemological Association of Great Britain (Gem-A). Her extensive travels, particularly to mines in Thailand and Vietnam, have equipped her with practical skills and insights into the origins and treatment of gems.
Melissa's wealth of experience and dedication to her craft make her a highly respected and knowledgeable gemologist in the industry.
Jewelry Appraisal Manager
Melissa’s Credentials
Diamond Grading and Evaluation (1998)
Colored Stone and Gem Identification (1998)
Graduate Gemologist (diploma in residence 1998)
Pearl Grading Workshop (2008)
Clarity Enhancement Workshop (2024)
Jewelry Forensics Workshop (2024)
Certificate in Gemmology (2018)
Diploma in Gemmology (2019)
Fellow, The Gemmological Association of Great Britain (2019 - current)
Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice 15-Hour Course (2022)
GJ201 Foundation I: Core Principles of Appraising Gems and Jewelry (2023)
GJ202 Foundation II: Appraising Gems & Jewelry for Insurance Scheduling (2023)
GJ203: Appraising Gems & Jewelry for Advanced Assignments: Development and Report Writing (2024)
Member: Gemological Institute of America Alumni Association (GIA)
Accredited Senior Gemologist: Accredited Gemologists Association (AGA)
Certified Senior Member: National Association of Jewelry Appraisers (NAJA)
Accredited Gemological Laboratory: National Association of Jewelry Appraisers (NAJA)
Accredited Senior Appraiser, American Society of Appraisers (ASA)
Exploring Life & Business with Melissa Scarani of Gemology Resources , Voyage Houston
JTV Experience 2021: A Deep Look Inside, Speaker
“An extraordinary journey through the microscope”, Jewelers Valuers Association, by Shirley Mitchell
“Melissa Allen, And the Art of Gemstone Photomicrography”, Pietra Communications, by Olga Gonzalez
Gems & Jewellery, Spring 2020 (Cover Photo)
IGR - Italian Gemological Review, Spring 2020 (Cover Photo)
Gems & Jewellery, Winter 2020 (Cover Photo)
“Advantages and Disadvantages of Raman & Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) in the Gemological Field”, Author, AGTA PRISM Vol. 2, 2019
Amber’s Designs and Fine Jewelry: 2018 - 2022
Past Era Antique Jewelry/Tenenbaum: 2007 –2018
Joe Escobar Diamonds: 2004 – 2006
Gleim Jewelers: 2000 – 2004
Brown and Co. Jewelers: 1999 – 2000
Alberto Scarani, GG (IGI Antwerp)
Gemological Laboratory Manager
Alberto Scarani is a goldsmith, Graduate Gemologist (IGI Antwerp), appraiser of the Chamber of Commerce, and Registered Expert of the Tribunal of Rome. He and Mikko Åström founded M&A Gemological Instruments in 2012, now Magilabs, a company that produces advanced gemological instruments and developed Raman, UV-Vis-NIR, FTIR, and fluorescence spectrometers.
He has been a member of the UNI Commission “UNI/CT 010/GL 01 - Gemme e metalli preziosi” for the revision of UNI rules about Gems and precious metals. In addition to teaching, lecturing, and conducting workshops at Gem-A, AGA, HRD, MGJC, IGE, and Rome, Naples, and Bari universities, he is a jewelry and gemology author and journalist and the co-editor of The Rivista Italiana di Gemmologia - Italian Gemological Review. He received together with Mikko Åström the Antonio C. Bonanno Award for Excellence in Gemology by the Accredited Gemologists Association in 2019.
Alberto’s Credentials
Synthetic, Imitation & Treatment Identification (2000)
mond Grading (2001)
Colored Stone and Gem Identification (2002)
Pearl Grading (2003)
Diamond Grading II (2003)
Colored Stone Grading and Evaluation Course (2005)
Rough Diamond Course (2006)
Graduate Gemologist (2006)
Identifying Synthetic Diamonds Lab (2007)
Identifying Diamond Treatments Lab (2007)
Member: International Gemological Institute Alumni Association
Registered Appraiser (N°1821) of the Italian Chamber of Commerce of Rome
Registered Appraiser (CTU) and technical advisor of the Rome Tribunal
Accredited Senior Gemologist: Accredited Gemologists Association
Member of the board of the Accredited Gemologists Association - Certified Gemological Laboratory Committee
Editor of the “Italian Gemological Review”
HRD Instructor for Advanced Spectroscopy in Diamond Study
Collaboration to the book : THE SLOVAK OPAL, Luigi Costantini, ediz. VIVIT 2005 (2004)
Techincal review of: “ Le pietre preziose” edito dalla Federazione degli orafi campani, C.a.t Napoli Partenope, Camera di Commercio di Napoli, Ascom Confcommercio (2010)
“Heating of precious stones” (2009)
“A comparison of R-line photoluminescence of emeralds from different origins” - 2014 – Volume 34, N° 4
Diamanti in Pillole” - Rubrica, — sett/ott 2008
“Cosa succede al rubino riempito?” n°1 - dic 2008/gen 2009
“Pillole” - Rubrica, n°1 - dic 2008/gen 2009
“termodiffusione al Berillio, le origini” - n°2 - feb/mar 2009
“L’industria diamantifera nel mondo” - n°3 - apr/mag 2009
“Termodiffusione e riscaldamento” - n°3 - apr/mag 2009
“Baslworld 2009—diario di viaggio di un operatore” - n°3 - apr/mag 2009
“Il riscaldamento delle pietre preziose” - n°4 - giu/lug 2009
“Smeraldi della Colombia. Cronaca di una guerra annunciata” - n°5 - set/ott 2009
“Corallo sotto inchiesta” - N°6 - nov/dic 2009
“Il leone scozzese non ruggisce più - Campbell Bridges, il gemmologo esploratore” - N°6 - nov/dic 2009
“Leggi a tutela dell’acquisto di preziosi. Li certifichiamo tutti?” - N°1 - gen/feb 2010
“Baselshow 2010 - Segnali di ottimismo” - N°2 - Apr 2010
“Il riscatto dello spinello” - N°3 - luglio 2010
“Tormalina, apoteosi del colore” - N°5 - dic 2010
“l’origine delle gemme, un valore aggiunto” - N° 1 - mar 2011
“Cinesi o giapponesi?” - N° 2 - mag 2011
“CIGES - note post convegno” - N° 3 - lug 2011
“Granati - parte prima” - N° 5 - dic 2011 - Gen 2012
“Granati - parte seconda” - N°6 - mar 2012
“Overview of basic spectroscopy techniques and their gemological applications”, N° 3, 2018
2011 – N°2 - “I trattamenti dei corindoni”.
2017 – N°0 - “Tecniche spettroscopiche e spettrofotometriche – uno sguardo d’assieme”
Review of the book “Gemstones, Terra Connoisseur”, Vladyslav Yavorskyy
2017 – N°1 “Gemological application of UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy”
2017 – N°2 “Raman spectroscopy: technique and its gemological application”
2018 – N°3 “Basic elements of photoluminescence spectroscopy in gemology”
2018 – N°5 – “Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and its gemological applications”
Book review – “One more book on diamonds? Yes and you can’t miss it.”
“Diamond - The ultimate gemstone”
2019 – N°8 – “Screening for synthetic diamonds: technologies compared”
2020 – N°9 – “The resounding mantra of the gemstone geographical origin”
2021 – N°11 – “A humble tribute to W. William Hanneman and to the idea of a gemology accessible to all”
2012 – Fall - ”I trattamenti delle gemme - parte prima: i diamanti”
2012 – Winter - “Questa legge è una pietra”
2013 – Winter - “I trattamenti delle gemme - Parte seconda: le pietre di colore”
On behalf of ASSOGEMME
September 13, 2011 - Vicenza Fair - New directions Hall -
“treatments of corundum - disclosing according to the new bill about gemological materials”
January 16, 2012 - Vicenza Fair - Sala Palladio -
“treatments of corundum - disclosing according to the new bill about gemological materials”
September 24, 2012 - CIGES 2012 - palazzo degli innocenti, Florence, Italy, -
“treatments of corundum - disclosing according to the new bill about gemological materials”
October 1, 2013 - CIGES 2013 - Chamber of commerce of Naples, Italy, -
“Photoluminescence as a gemological tool”
November 14, 2013 - Università degli orefici, gioiellieri, argentieri dell’alma città di Roma, Italy, - Sant’Eligio - “Zaffiri e Rubini”
January 23, 2017 – Vicenza Fair – Hall 8
“Verso un linguaggio gemmologico responsabile”.
On behalf of Banca Popolare Italiana:
October 25, 2003 – Castiglioncello, Italy, c/o Hotel Godilonda -
“Jewel manufacturing analysis through the examination of the refinement technique.”
January 24, 2005 – Livorno, Italy, Private Banking department
“Identification of diamonds.”
May 3, 2005 – Livorno, Italy, Moby Line premises – “Identification of diamonds.”
May 18, 2005 – Legnano, Italy, BPI department – “Identification of diamonds.”
May 28, 2005 – Grosseto, Italy, Silverstar Mercedes– “Identification of diamonds.”
October 10, 2005 – Rome, Italy, ICCRI department– “Identification of diamonds.”
June 15, 2006 – Imola, Italy, Cassa di Risparmio di Imola, head office
“Identification of diamonds.”
On behalf of DGI:
November 30, 2005 – Orvieto, Italy, Manor of the Captain
“Identification of diamonds.”
November 30, 2006 – Rome, Italy, Lazio Investimenti department “Identification of diamonds.”
On behalf of Dudù Gioielli
February 10, 2009 – Rome, Italy, Piazzale Flaminio
“Identification of diamonds.”
On behalf of EsseGi Gioielli
September 29, 2007 – Ischia, Italy, hotel Continental
“Identification of diamonds.”
On behalf of E-Motion
November 20, 2010 - Caserta, Italy, goldsmith center OROMARE:
“glass filled ruby—discussion about durability and identification”
On behalf of Gem-A (the Gemmological Association of Great Britain)
Nov 3, 2014 - Gemological applications of Raman and Photoluminescence spectroscopy - Seminar - Gem-A Headquarter, 21 Ely Place, London, EC1N 6TD, UK
Nov 5, 2018 - Fluorescence spectroscopy – a new technique for diamond screening and gem analysis – Seminar - Gem-A Headquarter, 21 Ely Place, London, EC1N 6TD, UK
On behalf of GemTech
Jun 18, 2018 - Modernizzare la gemmologia – Seminar - Oromare, Caserta, Italy
Jun 18, 2018 - Applicazioni in gemmologia di tecniche di spettrofotometria Raman e fotoluminescenza – advanced spectroscopy course - Oromare, Caserta, Italy
Oct 19, 2018 – Applicazioni gemmologiche di tecniche di spettrofotometria FTIR – advanced spectroscopy course – Oromare, Caserta, Italy
On behalf of HRD Antwerp (Hoge Raad Voor Diamant)
Dec 18-20, 2018 - Hands-on workshop Diamond Spectroscopy – HRD Anterp nv, Hoveniersstraat 22, BE-2018 Antwerp, Belgium
Apr 28-30, 2019 - Hands-on workshop Diamond Spectroscopy – HRD Anterp nv, Hoveniersstraat 22, BE-2018 Antwerp, Belgium
Nov 15-17, 2019 - Hands-on workshop Diamond Spectroscopy – HRD Anterp nv, Hoveniersstraat 22, BE-2018 Antwerp, Belgium
On behalf of IGI (International Gemological Institute of Antwerp)
January 31, 2011 - “L’Orientale” State University, Naples, Italy. Conference “Diamond trading, conflicts, ethics and market”
“diamond traceability in gemology”
October 24, 2013 - IGI headquarter, Antwerp, Belgium, workshop on precious metals.
On behalf of IPAR
July 7, 2012 - Borgo di Tragliata, Italy, - “Diamond—analysis and classification”
December 1, 2012 - Borgo di Tragliata, Italy, - “corundum—analysis and classification”
On behalf of La Sapienza University of Rome
Dec 2 and 3 , 2013 — Seminar on Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy—Mineralogical faculty
May 21 , 2014 — Seminar on Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy—Mineralogy faculty
May 11 , 2015 - Seminar on Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy—Mineralogy faculty
May 2, 2016 – Seminar - Raman spectroscopy in Gemology – Mineralogy faculty
May 17 and 18 , 2016 - Seminar - Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy applications in mineral characterization - Mineralogy faculty.
April 26 and 27 , 2017 - Seminar - Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy applications in mineral characterization - Mineralogy faculty
May 9 and 10, 2018 - Seminar - Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy applications in mineral characterization - Mineralogy faculty
May 7 and 14, 2019 - Seminar - Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy applications in mineral characterization - Mineralogy faculty
Apr 21, 2020 - Webinar - Seminar - Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy applications in mineral characterization - Mineralogy faculty.
Apr 15, 2021 – Webinar – Seminar – Cenni di spettroscopia Raman – Mineralogy faculty.
On behalf of MAGI (M&A Gemological Instruments)
Apr 19 , 2015 - “The importance of gemological equipment in Gemstones origin determination” - round table - Mallorca GemQuest - hotel El Cid, Mallorca, Spain
On behalf Of MAGILABS
May 6-9, 2016 - Practical spectroscopic workshop on synthetic diamonds - Mediterranean Gemmological and Jewellery Conference – Valencia, Spain
May, 11-14, 2017 – Practical spectroscopic workshop on fancy color diamonds - Mediterranean Gemmological and Jewellery Conference – Siracusa, Italy
Nov 18, 2017 - Modernizando la gemología: aplicación de técnicas espectroscópicas básicas en la práctica gemológica diaria" – Congreso internacional FEEG – Madrid, Spain
May 20th, 2018 - Advanced instruments Diamond workshop - Mediterranean Gemmological and Jewellery Conference – Budva, Montenegro
Jun 1st, 2018 - Fluorescence spectroscopy – a new technique for diamond screening and gem analysis – Accredited Gemologists Association conference, Las Vegas – USA
May 10, 2019 - Fluorescence spectroscopy – a new technique for diamond screening and gem analysis – Internationales Diamant – Symposium, Osterreichischen Gemmologischen Gesellscaft, Linz, Austria
July 23, 2021 - Screening dei diamanti e identificazione delle pietre di colore mediante Spettroscopia a fluorescenza - III Conferenza nazionale diamante e gemme di colore – Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e Geoambientali dell’Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro", Italy
May 26, 2022 - Diamond screening and identification of color stones by Fluorescence spectroscopy
2022 Taipei International Gemstone forum and Expo, Taiwan
Sep 8-10, 2023 – Jewellery Valuers Association (JVA) Annual Conference, Loughborough, UK – workshop: Spectroscopy in Gemmology: overview on the most used techniques and practical - cases study of fluorescence spectroscopy
Oct 1-3, 2023 – American Society of Appraisers (ASA) Annual international conference 2023 – New Orleans, LA, USA - Modernizing Gemology: Applications of Basic Spectroscopy Techniques in Every day's Gem Laboratory Practice
Feb 1, 2024 – American Gem Society – (AGTA), Congress Center Tucson, AZ, USA – Gemological Applications of Basic Spectroscopy Techniques in every day’s Gem Laboratory Practice
May 8-9, 2024 – MGJC Cavalese, Italy - Gemological applications of advanced spectroscopy for colored stones – Intermediate-Advanced workshop
May 11, 2024 – 7th Mediterranean Gemmological and Jewellery Conference – Piran, Slovenia - Advanced Instruments for testing Gems and Diamonds
June 19, 2024 – “Screening and detection real-life scenarios and solution”, GCAL by Sarine - Sharrie Woodring – web
Sept 6, 2024 - Jewellery Valuers Association (JVA) Annual Conference, Loughborough, UK, “Spectroscopy applications for diamonds and colored stones” – Workshop – “Fluorescence Spectroscopy”
Sept 7, 2024 - Jewellery Valuers Association (JVA) Annual Conference, Loughborough, UK Workshop – “Fluorescence Spectroscopy”
MAGILABS (former M&A Gemological Instruments) - co-owner and marketing manager - development and manufacturing of advanced spectroscopic instrumentation for gemological and mineral applications: 2012 - current
Partnership with MASTERSTONES gemological lab for developing gemological protocols with advanced instruments (Confocal MICRO Raman, FT-IR, LIBS): 2012 - 2018
Dudù gioielli - Project manager: 2008 - 2009
Co-Admin of Gemologyonline.com: 2006 - current
Owner of the Scarani gemological laboratory: 2005 - 2021
Partner DGI: 2002 - 2009
Owner of the Scarani, former Ischiboni, goldsmith workshop: 1993 - 2017
Training at Ischiboni goldsmith workshop, founded in 1945 and awarded in 1998 as historical workshop by the Major of Rome (order of the Major of Rome N°108, April, 16th 1998): 1989 - 1993